Your auto insurance card serves as more than something you show a police officer when you are pulled over for a traffic violation. Your indemnity card represents the financial backing you receive from your insurance provider when you have an accident for which you are determined to be at-fault. The agents at Anthony Lancaster Insurance Inc. can help you determine if the amount of coverage you have on your car or truck is enough to shield you from a lawsuit in Memphis, TN.
How much auto insurance is required in Tennessee?
State law requires every driver to show proof of indemnity coverage that pays at least $25,000 per person ($50,000 per incident) for bodily injury. You need to have at least $15,000 in coverage for property damage.
Many drivers in Memphis, TN can easily show proof that satisfies the state’s auto insurance requirements. Such coverage, however, may not be enough to keep you from a lawsuit.
What happens when the policy is not enough?
Auto insurance only pays up to the policy’s limit regardless of whether such amounts cover all damages. The at-fault driver is still responsible for an accident’s financial weight, even if his or her policy does not provide a payment that covers everything.
You may find yourself having to pay for damages, including lawyer and court fees if you are sued for the remaining balance that your auto insurance policy does not cover after an accident. Tort cases are not only expensive but also time-consuming as they have the ability to drag on for months or even years.
How much insurance do you need?
The benefits of having enough insurance to cover an at-fault accident are endless. Not only do you escape the financial burden of out-of-pocket expenses, but you can also handle the matter in a more timely fashion when you are fully covered.
Anthony Lancaster Insurance Inc. understands the importance of having the right auto insurance plan in Memphis, TN. Such is the reason why our agents thoroughly explain the details of a policy to ensure drivers have the coverage they need. Call us today if you have questions about your current auto insurance plan or if you need a quote for new coverage.